If you ever happen to stay at a Neapolitan friend’s place, chances are you will be offered a slice of crostata (tart/pie) at some point. There are hundreds of types, but if it is Continue reading
If you ever happen to stay at a Neapolitan friend’s place, chances are you will be offered a slice of crostata (tart/pie) at some point. There are hundreds of types, but if it is Continue reading
Scrumptious AND a bit healthy, too? Yes. Many asked for this unique and little-known Neapolitan starter so I am very excited to share the recipe of zeppoline di cavolfiore.
“Zeppoline what?” I hear you cry. We could just call them Continue reading
La torta dei sette vasetti is a yoghurt-based cake for which the origins of the recipe are shrouded in mystery. One thing is certain, however: Continue reading
I have been thinking about how to introduce this sheer poetry of a dish: parmigiana di melanzane. Hands shaking as I type… I seem Continue reading
The day has come. It is time to introduce you to something you may have never come across. Pizza di scarola. The reasons for that are that escarole is not so easy to find here in the UK (but not impossible) and that it is such a local, traditional pizza that very few, unless they have been to Naples, have encountered it. Continue reading
Timballo di pasta con melanzane? Why? Well. When I think of aubergines, I think of George. Since the beginning of our relationship I have made sure he would try the most delicious dishes my mum had made for me for pretty much my entire life. So I once Continue reading
There is no better time than this to tell you about the recipe for gattò di patate. Why? Well, let’s just say that it is the end of April and two days ago it was Continue reading
Say peperoni, in whatever shape and form, and you will see hearts showing up in my eyes, just like the emoticons you have on your smartphone or the ones you see in cartoons. Seriously. So you can understand why I just could not Continue reading
I know what you are thinking, because I have great powers that include reading people’s minds, but yes: pizza crema e amarene is the actual name for this superduper tart. The pastry is soft and the custard combined with the conserve is to die for.
I have fond memories of pizza crema e amarene as my mamma Mariolina would Continue reading
I know what you might be thinking: “Déjà vu!” Yes, and no. Caprese alle nocciole is a variation of the original caprese, which is made with almonds. But the method is slightly different and the taste changes dramatically with the substitution of the almonds with the awesome, legendary Continue reading