Treccia di salmone e formaggio – smoked salmon and cheese puff pastry braid

Treccia di salmone e formaggio
The perfect starter

It is often the most simple things that give us the biggest pleasure. (Okay, that may be a controversial statement – feel free to disagree!) This treccia di salmone e formaggio is just Continue reading

Mezze maniche alla crema di spinaci e gorgonzola – creamy spinach and gorgonzola pasta

Pasta bowl with pasta with spinaci e gorgonzola
The ultimate treat for the vegetarian crowd
Mezze maniche alla crema di spinaci e gorgonzola is a pasta dish that will not sound in the slightest bit familiar to you, or, for that matter, ring a bell for anyone else on this planet.

It was unknown even to me until Continue reading

Gnocchi alla romana con salmone – semolina gnocchi with smoked salmon

Heart shaped gnocchi alla romana
A burst of romance…
Potato gnocchi may be the only type of gnocchi you have ever made or tasted, and that is totally understandable given their yumminess. In theory there would be no reason to try anything else. Yet I genuinely think you are missing out Continue reading

Pasta e piselli – pasta with peas

Pasta e piselli
Make peas not war

I have been meaning to share the wonderful recipe of pasta e piselli for a while but never quite got there. As they say: there is always Continue reading

Frittata di maccheroni – pasta omelette

Big slice of frittata di maccheroni
It doesn’t get more comforting than this.

Frittata di maccheroni is one of those typical Neapolitan dishes that proves Neapolitans know their stuff when it comes to comfort food.

It’s a pasta-based dish and that already accounts for a big percentage of comfort. But we can’t stop there. We decided that Continue reading

Pizza chiena – stuffed meat, cheese and egg pizza

Neapolitan Pizza chiena as Easter treatPasqua (Easter) is approaching and this means different things for different people around the world. On my small, crazy and messy planet Easter is about going back to Naples and spending time with my family, seeing my cousins and nephews and… and… yes, I can read your mind. You know what is coming. For millions of Neapolitans, Easter means Continue reading

Frittatine di pasta – ham, smoked cheese and pea fritters

Frittatine di pasta with a filling of ham, peas and smoked cheese
Need a hug? Nope, you actually need me

Frittatine di pasta: if you have never come across these, the fact that there is pasta in the name of the recipe should already be a guarantee of goodness…

Frittatine di pasta are  Continue reading