When the summer comes and the heat is overwhelming, some people stop baking and switch to ice cream mode. Despite having grown up in a place where summer can be really hot, though, even with temperatures as high as 40°C, Continue reading
When the summer comes and the heat is overwhelming, some people stop baking and switch to ice cream mode. Despite having grown up in a place where summer can be really hot, though, even with temperatures as high as 40°C, Continue reading
There are some treats that are not only tasty and low in fat, but also so very easy to make. Meet biscotti ricotta e limone. I don’t know about you, but I have a soft spot Continue reading
The Easter theme continues, as in Naples it is not Pasqua without pastiera, after all! 😋 I have been counting the days until it was the right time to share this recipe. And admittedly I am a bit late and the Easter holidays are over. But I hope you will forgive me as Continue reading
I am not sure how many of you will be familiar with migliaccio di Carnevale, but I can assure you that a great many Italians get very excited when the Carnival season approaches because it means it is time to make some pretty scrumptious recipes. Migliaccio is one of these…
Tender, light and Continue reading
Sometimes you really need to get creative when it comes to translating names of Italian food into English. For ciambellone al limone, no matter how much I searched, the only possible word that would give a vague idea of what ciambellone refers to in terms of shape, at least, was doughnut. My ears would not accept it, though, and my eyes filled with Continue reading