Falso tiramisu alla Nutella – No egg and no sugar Nutella tiramisu

Tiramisu alla nutella
Looks like tiramisu but it is not!

Summer seems to have arrived. And I say seem because it is never really the case here in London. You get the illusion, you thank God for the sun and the more forgiving temperatures. But by the time you dared to switch

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Treccia di salmone e formaggio – smoked salmon and cheese puff pastry braid

Treccia di salmone e formaggio
The perfect starter

It is often the most simple things that give us the biggest pleasure. (Okay, that may be a controversial statement – feel free to disagree!) This treccia di salmone e formaggio is just Continue reading

Mozzarella in carrozza – golden-crusted fried mozzarella sandwich

mozzarella in carrozza
Comfort at its best

There are very few dishes as comforting, gratifying and as easy and quick to make as mozzarella in carrozza (mozzarella in a carriage).

The name goes to show how precious this cheese is to Italians: so precious that it deserves Continue reading

Penne con panna e zucchine – cream and courgette pasta

Pasta con panna e zucchine
I am all the comfort you need
When comfort is all you crave and need then there is only one pasta dish that will do the job: penne con panna e zucchine. And note that I say cream before courgettes for good reason, because the Continue reading

Mezze maniche alla crema di spinaci e gorgonzola – creamy spinach and gorgonzola pasta

Pasta bowl with pasta with spinaci e gorgonzola
The ultimate treat for the vegetarian crowd
Mezze maniche alla crema di spinaci e gorgonzola is a pasta dish that will not sound in the slightest bit familiar to you, or, for that matter, ring a bell for anyone else on this planet.

It was unknown even to me until Continue reading

Gnocchi alla romana con salmone – semolina gnocchi with smoked salmon

Heart shaped gnocchi alla romana
A burst of romance…
Potato gnocchi may be the only type of gnocchi you have ever made or tasted, and that is totally understandable given their yumminess. In theory there would be no reason to try anything else. Yet I genuinely think you are missing out Continue reading

Pasta e piselli – pasta with peas

Pasta e piselli
Make peas not war

I have been meaning to share the wonderful recipe of pasta e piselli for a while but never quite got there. As they say: there is always Continue reading

Chiacchiere di Carnevale – sweet fried ribbons

Chiacchiere di carnevale piled on top of each other
A few chiacchiere… A pile of scrumptiousness

Since I moved to London we have not been celebrating Carnival in February; it is all about Halloween in November instead. But I miss the Italian atmosphere so badly that I always try to bring a piece of Carnevale to London by making chiacchiere: thin and crispy, Continue reading

Rose di speck e ricotta – speck and ricotta roses

Roses of speck with ricotta
Roses: Could it get more romantic than this?

The other day I published my 60th post and realised how far I have come since that very first recipe I published a year ago. “La prima ricetta non si scorda mai“:-P (You never forget the very first recipe). Continue reading