Treccia di salmone e formaggio – smoked salmon and cheese puff pastry braid

Treccia di salmone e formaggio
The perfect starter

It is often the most simple things that give us the biggest pleasure. (Okay, that may be a controversial statement – feel free to disagree!) This treccia di salmone e formaggio is just Continue reading

Tramezzini tricolore – one bowl and no kneading focaccia-style sandwiches

tramezzini tricolore
It has never been so quick to make your own sandwich bread
There are foods that belong to your childhood that you simply cannot forget. What’s yours? Tramezzini tricolore (a type of focaccia style sandwiches) is definitely one of those for me.

They used to appear regularly Continue reading

Stella di pasta sfoglia ripiena – stuffed puff pastry star

beautiful stella di pasta sfoglia ripiena di ricotta e friarielli
“I was born to impress.”

Christmas is in the air: bright lights, shop windows and supermarket shelves all shout “It’s Christmas; hooray!”- type subliminal or not so subliminal messages at you. Mince Continue reading

Pizza di scarola – escarole stuffed pizza

Pizza di scarole
Because you’re gorgeous, I’d do anything for you!

The day has come. It is time to introduce you to something you may have never come across. Pizza di scarola. The reasons for that are that escarole is not so easy to find here in the UK (but not impossible) and that it is such a local, traditional pizza that very few, unless they have been to Naples, have encountered it. Continue reading

Pizza chiena – stuffed meat, cheese and egg pizza

Neapolitan Pizza chiena as Easter treatPasqua (Easter) is approaching and this means different things for different people around the world. On my small, crazy and messy planet Easter is about going back to Naples and spending time with my family, seeing my cousins and nephews and… and… yes, I can read your mind. You know what is coming. For millions of Neapolitans, Easter means Continue reading

Babà rustico – savoury brioche

Majestic baba' rustico
Majestic baba’ rustico

“How the hell do I explain what a babà rustico is?” I asked myself before deciding to share the recipe of babà rustico. The babà rustico is, quite simply, a pillar of Neapolitan cuisine. The original version is the sweet one sunk in rum and served with cream and fruit or with chocolate. This version is savoury Continue reading

Montanare – small fried pizze

Montanare served on a plate
Montanara waiting to be attacked!

Here I am, feeling a bit nervous about writing my first blog post! Technically, it’s not my first, as I find myself writing or setting up quite a few at work. But this post about montanare marks the beginning of a special journey: one that started last November when I decided I would write a cookery book. I wonder what kind of cocktails I had that night before going back home… Continue reading