Pizza di scarola – escarole stuffed pizza

Pizza di scarole
Because you’re gorgeous, I’d do anything for you!

The day has come. It is time to introduce you to something you may have never come across. Pizza di scarola. The reasons for that are that escarole is not so easy to find here in the UK (but not impossible) and that it is such a local, traditional pizza that very few, unless they have been to Naples, have encountered it. Continue reading

Montanare – small fried pizze

Montanare served on a plate
Montanara waiting to be attacked!

Here I am, feeling a bit nervous about writing my first blog post! Technically, it’s not my first, as I find myself writing or setting up quite a few at work. But this post about montanare marks the beginning of a special journey: one that started last November when I decided I would write a cookery book. I wonder what kind of cocktails I had that night before going back home… Continue reading