Mezze maniche alla crema di spinaci e gorgonzola – creamy spinach and gorgonzola pasta

Pasta bowl with pasta with spinaci e gorgonzola
The ultimate treat for the vegetarian crowd
Mezze maniche alla crema di spinaci e gorgonzola is a pasta dish that will not sound in the slightest bit familiar to you, or, for that matter, ring a bell for anyone else on this planet.

It was unknown even to me until Continue reading

Pasta e piselli – pasta with peas

Pasta e piselli
Make peas not war

I have been meaning to share the wonderful recipe of pasta e piselli for a while but never quite got there. As they say: there is always Continue reading

Farfalle al salmone – salmon and cream farfalle

Dish of farfalle panna e salmone
Dangerously luxurious

Farfalle al salmone is a scrumptious pasta dish that is simple in the way it’s made and the ingredients used. However, it is also an elegant dish that carries so much luxury and goodness within it  Continue reading

Zeppoline di cavolfiore – puffy cauliflower fritters

Plate with zeppoline di cavolfiore
Ad infinitum, please!

Scrumptious AND a bit healthy, too? Yes. Many asked for this unique and little-known Neapolitan starter so I am very excited to share the recipe of zeppoline di cavolfiore.

“Zeppoline what?” I hear you cry. We could just call them Continue reading

Pizza di scarola – escarole stuffed pizza

Pizza di scarole
Because you’re gorgeous, I’d do anything for you!

The day has come. It is time to introduce you to something you may have never come across. Pizza di scarola. The reasons for that are that escarole is not so easy to find here in the UK (but not impossible) and that it is such a local, traditional pizza that very few, unless they have been to Naples, have encountered it. Continue reading

Ragù alla genovese – onion and beef ragu

Dish of ragu' alla genovese.
I am the queen in Naples. Forget the rest
Forget about that amazing ragù alla napoletana I used to make lasagne napoletane. You see, ragù alla genovese is on another scale: it is truly the most iconic pasta sauce in Naples – yet Continue reading

Migliaccio salato – spaghetti, semolina and ricotta timballo

Slice of migliaccio salato straoght out of the oven.
You have never seen something like me. I am unique and I come from Pozzuoli

I have a feeling migliaccio salato, or tatiello, might ring a bell for some of you loyal readers of Coochinando. Please meet the savoury sibling of migliaccio di carnevale! If you think that migliaccio di carnevale looked awesome, then  Continue reading