Rose di speck e ricotta – speck and ricotta roses

Roses of speck with ricotta
Roses: Could it get more romantic than this?

The other day I published my 60th post and realised how far I have come since that very first recipe I published a year ago. “La prima ricetta non si scorda mai“:-P (You never forget the very first recipe). Continue reading

Farfalle al salmone – salmon and cream farfalle

Dish of farfalle panna e salmone
Dangerously luxurious

Farfalle al salmone is a scrumptious pasta dish that is simple in the way it’s made and the ingredients used. However, it is also an elegant dish that carries so much luxury and goodness within it  Continue reading

Crostata alla marmellata – fruit jam pie

A slice of crostata alla marmellata. Utter bliss.
A slice of crostata solves all problems.

You know how the saying goes about a cup of tea, right? Well, I think that for many, many Italians a slice of crostata alla marmellata has the same healing and solving power as Continue reading

Frittata di maccheroni – pasta omelette

Big slice of frittata di maccheroni
It doesn’t get more comforting than this.

Frittata di maccheroni is one of those typical Neapolitan dishes that proves Neapolitans know their stuff when it comes to comfort food.

It’s a pasta-based dish and that already accounts for a big percentage of comfort. But we can’t stop there. We decided that Continue reading

Struffoli Napoletani – mini honey balls

Plate of struffoli
A feast for the eyes

Christmas may feel like a distant memory now and New Year’s resolutions may prevail over scrumptious food temptations, but for me it’s not too late to tell you about struffoli –  one of the most iconic Neapolitan desserts – and remind everyone that a bit of Continue reading

Stella di pasta sfoglia ripiena – stuffed puff pastry star

beautiful stella di pasta sfoglia ripiena di ricotta e friarielli
“I was born to impress.”

Christmas is in the air: bright lights, shop windows and supermarket shelves all shout “It’s Christmas; hooray!”- type subliminal or not so subliminal messages at you. Mince Continue reading

Palline cocco e cioccolato – mini coconut and chocolate balls

Palline cocco e cioccolato on a tray
Cocoa or coconut: mouthfuls of goodness

Sometimes it is heart-warming to know that there are yummy treats we can make in less than 5 minutes AND that will be ready to be enjoyed shortly after: no baking, no waiting, instant making and scoffing! And palline cocco e cioccolato perfectly fit into this category of treats.

What’s even more exciting is the fact that  Continue reading

Sartù di riso – Neapolitan rice timbale

Slice of sartu' di riso on a plate
Welcome to rice heaven…
With Neapolitan recipes there is a bit of an issue: there are so many fantabulous signature dishes that it is, on occasion, difficult to say which is the absolute best. And sartù di riso is one Continue reading

Pasta all’ortolana – summer vegetable pasta

Pasta all'ortolana
Light but very tasty
Pasta all’ortolana is definitely among my favourite summer pasta dishes. In a season during which vegetables such as aubergines, courgettes and peppers are at their best Continue reading