Bucatini alla Ninfea – Bucatini with a butter and onion based sauce

Pasta with butter and tomato sauce
A rare beauty

Bucatini alla ninfea is the recipe I chose to share today, two years after I last posted on my beloved, but sadly neglected, Coochinando. Why this recipe? Because this pasta dish offers simple, uncomplicated joy. And it is a recipe that you won’t find anywhere else. It’s that special.
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Gnocchi alla romana con salmone – semolina gnocchi with smoked salmon

Heart shaped gnocchi alla romana
A burst of romance…
Potato gnocchi may be the only type of gnocchi you have ever made or tasted, and that is totally understandable given their yumminess. In theory there would be no reason to try anything else. Yet I genuinely think you are missing out Continue reading

Pasta al forno – oven pasta bake

Pasta al forno with a nice crusty top
Perfectly arruscata.

What for many is just a pasta bake, for Italians – pasta al forno – is a whole world of tradition, memories and comfort. I really don’t know how I managed to put off posting this recipe for so long. It should have been one of the first to share on Coochinando both because of Continue reading

Pasta all’ortolana – summer vegetable pasta

Pasta all'ortolana
Light but very tasty
Pasta all’ortolana is definitely among my favourite summer pasta dishes. In a season during which vegetables such as aubergines, courgettes and peppers are at their best Continue reading

Pesto genovese – classic basil pesto

Dish of pasta seasoned with pesto genovese
I am green and cooler than a cucumber.

I know, I know. No need to say: “But… but pesto genovese is from Genoa!” And no, by posting this recipe on Coochinando I’m not claiming it is a southern Italian recipe. But I do not recollect a day of my life in Naples when Continue reading

Timballo di pasta con melanzane – pasta and aubergine timbale

Timballo di pasta con melanzane
I was born to impress and delight.

Timballo di pasta con melanzane? Why? Well. When I think of aubergines, I think of George. Since the beginning of our relationship I have made sure he would try the most delicious dishes my mum had made for me for pretty much my entire life. So I once Continue reading

Pasta con crema di peperoni – pasta with cream of peppers

Dish of pasta con crema di peperoni
I am perfect for spring. I will delight you.

Say peperoni, in whatever shape and form, and you will see hearts showing up in my eyes, just like the emoticons you have on your smartphone or the ones you see in cartoons. Seriously.  So you can understand why I just could not Continue reading