Sbriciolata pere e cioccolato – pear and chocolate crumble tart

Sbriciolata pere e cioccolato
The perfect marriage

If you ever happen to stay at a Neapolitan friend’s place, chances are you will be offered a slice of crostata (tart/pie) at some point.  There are hundreds of types, but if it is Continue reading

Tortine fredde allo yoghurt e frutta – mini yoghurt and fruit fridge cakes

Tortine fredde yoghurt e frutta
A burst of taste and colours

As a fruit lover and the wife of a man who has a worrying addiction to cream, I felt I had to share this yummy but very easy summer recipe. Tortine fredde allo yoghurt e frutta take me back to Continue reading

Spaghetti con le vongole – spaghetti with clams

Spaghetti con vongole
They all fall in love with me…

Hold your breath…and…ta da! It is about time to introduce what is both a staple and one of the signature dishes of Neapolitan cuisine: the wonderful and unique and amazing Continue reading

Quadrotti al limone – lemon squares

Quadrotti al limone
Cold and refreshing. YUM.

When the summer comes and the heat is overwhelming, some people stop baking and switch to ice cream mode. Despite having grown up in a place where summer can be really hot, though, even with temperatures as high as 40°C, Continue reading

Pesto genovese – classic basil pesto

Dish of pasta seasoned with pesto genovese
I am green and cooler than a cucumber.

I know, I know. No need to say: “But… but pesto genovese is from Genoa!” And no, by posting this recipe on Coochinando I’m not claiming it is a southern Italian recipe. But I do not recollect a day of my life in Naples when Continue reading

Crostata alla frutta – fruit tart

Fruit tart with summer berries
An explosion of colours and flavours

When the summer approaches and there seems to be little hope for sunshine and blue skies, I find comfort in making a crostata alla frutta estiva. A rainbow of bright and yummy fresh fruit that Continue reading

Zeppoline di cavolfiore – puffy cauliflower fritters

Plate with zeppoline di cavolfiore
Ad infinitum, please!

Scrumptious AND a bit healthy, too? Yes. Many asked for this unique and little-known Neapolitan starter so I am very excited to share the recipe of zeppoline di cavolfiore.

“Zeppoline what?” I hear you cry. We could just call them Continue reading

Sfogliatine alle mele e cannella – apple and cinnamon squares

Sfogliatine alle mele a cannella
Simple but yummy

You know when you are craving something sweet but you feel like you are going 4,565 miles a second and there is no way on earth you are going to bake? We all have moments like this in our everyday life, but there are Continue reading

Torta dei sette vasetti – cake of the seven pots

Slice of torta dei 7 vasetti sprinkled with icing sugar
Simplicity and goodness in less than 60 seconds

La torta dei sette vasetti is a yoghurt-based cake for which the origins of the recipe are shrouded in mystery. One thing is certain, however: Continue reading