Mezze maniche alla crema di spinaci e gorgonzola – creamy spinach and gorgonzola pasta

Pasta bowl with pasta with spinaci e gorgonzola
The ultimate treat for the vegetarian crowd
Mezze maniche alla crema di spinaci e gorgonzola is a pasta dish that will not sound in the slightest bit familiar to you, or, for that matter, ring a bell for anyone else on this planet.

It was unknown even to me until Continue reading

Stella di pasta sfoglia ripiena – stuffed puff pastry star

beautiful stella di pasta sfoglia ripiena di ricotta e friarielli
“I was born to impress.”

Christmas is in the air: bright lights, shop windows and supermarket shelves all shout “It’s Christmas; hooray!”- type subliminal or not so subliminal messages at you. Mince Continue reading