Chiacchiere di Carnevale – sweet fried ribbons

Chiacchiere di carnevale piled on top of each other
A few chiacchiere… A pile of scrumptiousness

Since I moved to London we have not been celebrating Carnival in February; it is all about Halloween in November instead. But I miss the Italian atmosphere so badly that I always try to bring a piece of Carnevale to London by making chiacchiere: thin and crispy, Continue reading

Migliaccio di Carnevale – lemon, orange and ricotta cake

Slice of migliaccio, a lemon-ricotta cake with iciing sugar on top
Light, soft, moist. Like a cloud, but tastier

I am not sure how many of you will be familiar with migliaccio di Carnevale, but I can assure you that a great many Italians get very excited when the Carnival season approaches because it means it is time to make some pretty scrumptious recipes. Migliaccio is one of these…

Tender, light and Continue reading