Pastiera – wheat and ricotta tart

Slice of beautiful pastiera napoletana served on a plate
Am I not beautifully amazing?

The Easter theme continues, as in Naples it is not Pasqua without pastiera, after all! 😋 I have been counting the days until it was the right time to share this recipe. And admittedly I am a bit late and the Easter holidays are over. But I hope you will forgive me as Continue reading

Pizza chiena – stuffed meat, cheese and egg pizza

Neapolitan Pizza chiena as Easter treatPasqua (Easter) is approaching and this means different things for different people around the world. On my small, crazy and messy planet Easter is about going back to Naples and spending time with my family, seeing my cousins and nephews and… and… yes, I can read your mind. You know what is coming. For millions of Neapolitans, Easter means Continue reading