Timballo di pasta con melanzane? Why? Well. When I think of aubergines, I think of George. Since the beginning of our relationship I have made sure he would try the most delicious dishes my mum had made for me for pretty much my entire life. So I once Continue reading
Pasta con crema di peperoni – pasta with cream of peppers
Say peperoni, in whatever shape and form, and you will see hearts showing up in my eyes, just like the emoticons you have on your smartphone or the ones you see in cartoons. Seriously. So you can understand why I just could not Continue reading
Pizza chiena – stuffed meat, cheese and egg pizza
Pasqua (Easter) is approaching and this means different things for different people around the world. On my small, crazy and messy planet Easter is about going back to Naples and spending time with my family, seeing my cousins and nephews and… and… yes, I can read your mind. You know what is coming. For millions of Neapolitans, Easter means Continue reading